OOMPH Kickboxing Fitness App Blog About Working Out At Home

Globally, we’re all feeling the weight of COVID-19. Whether you’re worried about health issues or financial woes - or both, it can be tough to find the energy to exercise. 

However, keeping up with your at-home workouts is especially important in times like these. Here’s why.

Mental Health

During these unprecedented times where everything is uncertain, it’s no surprise that you’re experiencing a lot of ups and downs. We feel you! So, now more than ever, it’s extra important to care for your mental health. The good news is, exercising can help.

Evidence shows that working out as a mental health intervention is a method that we often neglect. By increasing blood flow to the brain and stimulating hormonal centers the body, we can physiologically reduce stress levels with exercise.

Other theories state that exercise is beneficial for mental health because it can also:

  • Serve as a distraction
  • Encourage social interaction (even if it’s online)
  • Increase self-efficacy, or the belief in oneself to follow-through

So, while it may be harder than usual to press play on an at-home workout, getting it done will prove to be even more beneficial during these times of stress and worry.

OOMPH Kickboxing Fitness App Blog About Home Workouts

Physical Well-Being

Self-isolating can easily equate to Netflix on the couch. Even if you’re working from home, you may find yourself less active than normal. The simple fact that you’re thrown off your routine might be making you feel sluggish and low on energy. 

So, now’s the time to get back on a workout schedule! Finding an at-home workout you love is the best way to get back on track with your fitness goals and maintain your physical well-being. 

Plus, staying active by consistently performing moderate exercise seems to show positive effects on the immune system. Overall, it’s more important than ever to focus on our health and well-being by getting enough exercise, even if we’re stuck at home.

Positive Mood

In addition to the mental health benefits of exercise, prioritizing your at-home workouts can also elevate your mood. Perhaps, though, we can look at it through a more holistic lens. Let’s explore some examples of what we mean by that.

Typically, one positive benefit feeds into another, creating a feedback loop of good vibes! For example, exercising causes your body to release endorphins which make you feel good and less stressed. From there, you’ll probably sleep better and wake up feeling refreshed.

Waking up on the right side of the bed means you’re more likely to be in a good mood, therefore increasing your chances of working out again that day. When you’re working out consistently, you’re also more likely to eat healthier foods and take better care of yourself. 

So, generally, this self-efficacy where you feel confident about sticking to your goals and following through with what you say you will, both create and result from a positive mood. And that’s something we can all use right about now.

Need an at-home workout to do in quarantine? Get your free trial of OOMPH’s do-anywhere kickboxing workouts. We include tons of trainer-led workouts to help you feel less… isolated. After all, we’re right there with you!

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