6 Visualization Tips That Will Help You Kick Butt

6 Visualization Tips That Will Help You Kick Butt

Whether your goals are to get fit, find a partner, or buy a home, it’s important to have a system that will help you move toward them with decisive action. Visualization is an effective way to vocalize your goals, create plans for how to follow through, and create a life you love. 

Famous people such as Arnold Schwarzenegger and Muhammad Ali have used this technique with much success, and so can you. These 6 tips will help you learn how to visualize and adapt this method to your needs. 

  1. Create a vision board

Take magazines, post-its, newspapers, and even junk mail and create a vision board full of things that you actively want to work towards. If you want to travel, cut out pictures of the places you want to go to and crunch numbers. Add a picture of the amount of money you’ll need in order to make this goal possible. 

Maybe you want to get fit. Cut out pictures of physical activities you might enjoy, healthy foods you will incorporate to help you have a more efficient routine, and maybe some challenges you’d like to complete, such as a working out 5 times a week every week by the end of the year. 


  1. Write an affirmation that supports your goal

Affirmations help you vocalize your goals so you can stay motivated to keep pursuing them. There are some great ones already out there, such as “Dreams don’t work unless you do!” but it’s better to create some that are specific to what you want. 

If you’re interested in getting in shape, for example, you can create an affirmation such as, “I do a 20 minute HIIT session without stopping. I’m happy to do it, and I feel great about doing my best!” People interested in improving their finances can say things such as, “Money flows to me easily, and I manage and spend it well. It’s always there when I need it.” 

  1. Write goals on index cards

This is similar to a vision board, but you won’t have to cut anything out yourself. Instead, you simply go to an office supply store, get index cards you like, and a marker. Write down your goals and keep them in a safe place. Then, look at them in the morning and at night. 

When you look at a card with your goal, close your eyes for a few minutes and imagine the result you’d like, then move on to the next card and do the same until you’ve finished with all of your cards. 

These cards will help you remember what you’re trying to do and the repetition will keep your mind fresh. It’s also a little bit faster to do than creating a piece of art, and it can be just as effective!


  1. Meditate on your goals!

Meditation can feel new and different, but it’s not as hard as it seems. Find a quiet place, relax your mind and body, and focus on your breath. Don’t judge yourself for any negative thoughts, and find a way to meditate that works for you. 

Though many practitioners of meditation encourage people to find a quiet place to sit, you can also do walking meditations. As you meditate, allow your mind to focus on your breathing and be open to new ideas about methods that can help you reach your goals. 


  1. Try guided imagery

Visualizing may be hard for certain people, but there are tried and true methods that will help you get a clearer picture of methods you can use to push yourself to accomplish your goals. Guided imagery is one such technique. 

For this, you will sit or lay down comfortably, focus on your breathing, and imagine a state of mind or place that brings you joy. Maybe it’s a place you enjoyed as a child, a place you visited once that changed your life, or a place you’d like to go to once you accomplish your goals. 

  1. Write down your goals!

If all of these methods are difficult for you, then a simple list is all it takes for you to get the creative juices flowing so you can work toward your goals. You can write down a long list, get into bullet journaling, or write a monthly list of things you want to do. The choice is yours!

You're now a visualization master!

Visualization is a time-honored and powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals and even improve your mental health. We encourage you to try these methods, mix and match them, and combine them with hard work so you can live your best life!

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